Through the paintings of shadows I explore the fragility and ephemeral, evanescent nature of the corporeal and the physical. Shadows claim a certain objectivity by being a reflection of the material world, but still preserve their transient, short-lived form. The shadows are also unable to resemble the reality in whole, embodying only a silhouette, a delineation, an image whose very existence and form is vulnerable to light and is of a momentary nature, dissolving into oblivion in darkness. Not defining themselves and manifesting merely in a fragile interaction with the vicious outer world, shadows are of particular interest to me and make me think of how uncertain, fragile and delicate their origin and it’s substance are.

Shadow Theater, 2022, 200x100, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2023, 90x150, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2023, 30x20, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2023, 30x20, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2022, 30x35, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2022, 30x35, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2023, 30x35, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2023, 30x35, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2023, 30x20, acrylic on canvas
Shadow Theater, 2022, 20x30, acrylic on canvas
Hand, 2022, 40x30, watercolour on canvas
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